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British Fossils

British Fossils - Amazing Crystal Garden


British Fossils

British Fossils - Amazing Crystal Garden


Grow your own Amazing Crystal Garden in just a matter of days!

The Amazing Crystal Garden pack contains limestone pieces which, when placed in distilled white vinegar (available from supermarkets, not included in the kit) and the instructions followed, will produce real crystals! Food dyes (not included) can also be added to the vinegar to create coloured crystals!

How it works: Crystals form in nature when molecules gather together for stability and the liquids present cool and harden. This can occur in magma, as lavaflow cools and hardens, or when water evaporates in a natural setting, leaving mineral clusters (suchs as in a cave). This kit uses a chemical reaction to commence the process of crystalisation. Limestone (Calcium Carbonate) reacts with the Vinegar (specifically the Acetic Acid component) to form a substance called Calcium Acetate. Historically called acetate of lime, Calcium Acetate is a salt, which is widely used as a food additive.

Fun Fact: Calcium Acetate is required in the manufacture of Tofu!

Hot Tip: Your crystals will naturally be white. If you'd like to make them different colours, make sure to divide them up in separate containers before adding the vinegar and food colouring!

Good to know: It can take up to two weeks for your crystals to grow (it will depend on how much vinegar you've added, and how warm the surroundings are).

  • This pack includes: Limestone pieces and step-by-step instructions
  • This pack does not include: distilled vinegar, food colourings (optional) or vessels for growing in
  • Recommended for ages 6+ (when instructions are followed, this kit is completely safe!)
  • If your child cannot read and/or follow instructions without assistance, adult supervision is prudent
  • Full-colour pack measures: 8 x 8 x 3cm